February 24th 2008

The Lilith eZine Sunday Edition

Letter from the Assistant Editor

Suzy isn't available this week so I am taking over the newsletter for today.

The Oscars are tonight and as usual I have no intention of watching it. Celebrity gazing and buzz is not my thing, and apparently a lot of other people feel the same way. The Oscars have been going downhill in recent years due to poor ratings and a lot of people dissatisfied with the results.

I'm not surprised. The Oscars are basically a gimmick to sell movies to the mass populace. Movies that win big at the Oscars get bragging rights that boost their profits and sales. But most of the movies that win I don't really care for.

Lets take the example of The Aviator (which won a tonne of Oscars several years ago). I've watched it 1.5 times and I have no intention of watching it again. It may have won awards but I couldn't care less about it. The Oscars tend to give awards to artsy flicks, those that are perceived as such at least, but that doesn't mean the movie is actually any good.

In contrast to The Aviator I've watched The Hulk over twenty times, but it didn't win a single award and had horrible movie reviews. True, most of the movie was CGI, but the same can be said about a lot of blockbuster movies these days. There is no Oscar for Best CGI.

Conclusions? Just because it wins an Oscar doesn't mean the movie is worth watching again and again. I'd rather watch any of the Indiana Jones movies a hundred times than watch an Oscar winner once.

Charles Moffat
Assistant Editor of the Lilith eZine

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